Monday, March 4, 2019

Identify the Industries

1. retail grocery stores -Specialty retailer effort 2. commercial message banking -Commercial banks Industry 3. Pharmaceutical preparations -Pharmaceuticals Industry 4. Commercial airline -Aerospace and defense Industry 5. Computer softw atomic number 18 -Network & other comm. Equip. Industry 6. IT advantage provider -Internet operate and retailing Industry 7. Liquor producer and distributor -Beverages Industry 8.Integrated anele and gas -Mining and oil production Industry 9. supple phone service provider -Telecommunications Industry 10. Semiconductor manufacturer -Motor vehicles and parts Industry The part to find the answers (Just compare the entropy of the exhibit 4 in the ITI with the data on page 12 of the An overview of financial statement analysis the chemical mechanism) ?Industry 1 has the lowest ease up on Sales, thus is Retail grocery stores. ?Industry 2 has the lowest Asset overthrow rate, so it is Commercial bank. Industry 5 has the highest ROA, which Network & other comm. Equip ordinarily has, thus it is Computer software. ?Industry 8 has the highest Return on Sales, so it is the Industry of Oil production. ?Industry 9s Return on Sales, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Asset turnover, and Leverage are all the same as the Telecommunications lines data, thus it is Mobile phone service provider. ?Industry 10 has negative Return on Sales, Return on Assets, hence it is semiconductor manufacturer.Weve figured out the industries of 1,2,5,8,9,and 10 already. The 3,4,6,and 7 are left. ? canvas the data of the industries 3,4,6 and 7. We found that the Asset turnover of industry 4 is extremely high, thus it is the commercial airline. ?The Inventory in industry 6 is the lowest among industry 3,6,and 7. So it is the IT service provider. ?Compare the Industry 3 and 7, 7s Return on Assets, Return on Equity are lower, Leverage is higher. So Industry 7 is Liquor producer, and Industry 3 is Pharmaceutical Industry.

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