Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Thinking Case Study Essay

Describe all assumptions you see in any documents. Kelly Thomas – Senior Engineer, Product Development1. Assumed AcuScan’s customers would not be happy with just anything developed and launched. 2. Assumed Pat did not have any technology experience previous job in the cereal industry. 3. Assumed Pat was talking to the programmers without Kelly’s knowledge or consent. 4. Assumed Pat wanted to continue arguing on email. Pat Lambert – Director of Marketing1. Assumed the customer would be happy with anything launched on the market from AcuScan2. Assumed programmers could work in the new launch. 3. Assumed a new product launch would be simple to achieve. 4. Assumed that Kelly Thomas would go along with her regarding the â€Å"Operation Optimize†5. Assumed that the â€Å"Operation Optimize† could be launched in 6-months6. Assumed that meeting with Kelly Thomas in person would rectify the situation. Cliff O’Connor – CEO1. Assumed Pat’s work ethic and experience in previous job will automatically benefit the firm and reach AcuScan’s target market. 2. Assumed the staff would not have any communication or personnel issues. 3. Assumed there would be a budget crisis. Chris Martinas – VP, Product Development1. Assumed that it would not take much time to produce and launch a new product. 2. The potential return for first year would outlay with substantial ROI. THE CONFLICT2) Explain the arguments made by each of these people. Kelly Thomas argued that the new product features could not be developed ‘just like that’ and was detailed with planning, testing and quality control and could long make the features completely work by August. Kelly also stated that since the layoff two years ago, and 25% fewer programmers, they do not have the time or manpower for the product successfully to launch in time. Pat Lambert argued that ‘Retail’ is the answer instead of airports and store security for the new iScanner product to enable retailers to identify incoming customers, with several high-tech features can be developed as a prototype by August and at one point Kelly admitted to it not being a problem to make the iScanner market-ready in time. Chris Martinas argued that Secur-A was, AcuScan’s competition was working on a new product so AcuScan needs to expand into a different market and launch a new product by early 2004 or Secur-A would be on the top of the market. Cliff O’Connor argued that even though AcuScan was facing budget dilemma’s they can find a way to launch the new iScanner. 3) Evaluate each argument. a. Kelly Thomas – Kelly’s argument was logical mostly due to the fact he used the numbers and man hours from the first iScanner launch and he did not want to jeporize his and AcuScan’s reputation by throwing together a flimsy product launch. b. Pat Lambert – Pat’s idea on launching a new product in a new market was a positive one, in fact, a great marketing strategy to be the first company on the market with a new product to get ahead of competition. c. Chris Martinas – Chris does realize that to gain and maintain their  targeted market, a budget deficit would need to be put in action because he believes it is important to have a product launch in a new market. d. Cliff O’Connor – Although Cliff’s argument deems logical, it becomes unbeknownst there are major budgetary issues with AcuScan and to launch the iScanner correctly, there are many other decisions that need to be involved, this may include more lay-offs. Cliff is basing the fact that this new launch in a ‘new’ market will take minimal cost in time and money because AcuScan has done it in the past. 4) Describe specific fallacious arguments, and identify the people who hold them. Pat had a fallacious argument by stating that since other staff members had been with the company longer than Pat, they had a great deal invested in the company and knew what they had to accomplish in order to get a new product off and running. Chris made a fallacious argument about the company being on top again if the company developed a new product. But the since it is unknown, there is no evidence or research at this point the company cannot be certain of this fact. II: CONCLUSIONS1. Describe all problems in this situation. 2. For each problem, describe the data, arguments, and reasoning that contribute to each problem. AcuScan was faced with many problems trying to produce and launch their new iScanner. One main issue was the fact of AcuScan was planning to develop a new product when the company was already facing budgeting issues. Another problem was the staff at AcuScan not meeting face-to-face; instead they relied mainly on email to correspond with one another. Brainstorming, marketing product launches, and budgeting meetings could have benefited the staff and issues could have been handled different and resolved. Cliff, the  CEO should have taken initiative and interjected about the major communication issue the staff was having with one another. Use your reasoning to complete the worksheet below. 3. What is the underlying problem that is the base cause of the conflict within the company?The underlying problem that caused the majority of the issues at AcuScan was the lack of communication between department staff members which resulted in fallacious emails, snide, unnecessary comments which led to lack of production. 4. Alternative solutions. Due to the budgetary issues that were upon AcuScan, instead of a complicated new product launch, expanding the iScanner into industries such as hospitals, colleges and even government offices instead of expanding the new iScanner into the retail environment where the complicated launch requires many additional features is a possible solution, while keeping the idea for the retail industry on the shelf for future product launches. 6. Which solution will you recommend to the CEO? Why? Since both solutions are important, I would mention both to the CEO. Since communication is the backbone of an organization, I would bring up that issue first. Part II: Executive Summary1. Purpose and ScopeThe purpose of this summary is to analyze the issues on launching the new iScanner from AcuScan and rectify any facts pertaining to the potential launch. The scope includes various communications between colleagues and issues that resulted from that dialog. In conclusion the problems will be stated, solutions formulated and recommended results to rectify these problems will be discussed. 2. Summary of the SituationThe conflict between several key persons at AcuScan is hindering the growth of the firm and is causing havoc in receiving positive results for this potential new product launch. Secur-A, AcuScan’s, main competitor is only 4 months from launching their new product so it is believed to be absolutely essential to the survival of AcuScan to  beat them to market with a successful product as well. 3. Key PointsPat Lambert – the new director of Marketing, and Kelly Thomas – chief of the software development team, cannot agree on the length of time and the number of programming hours it will take to bring the new product to market. Kelly states that even with current staffing levels, they do not have the time or manpower to launch a new product the correct way. Pat’s states that a prototype can be built within the timeframe and budget however, neither Pat nor Kelly can compromise. Chris Martinas – VP of Product Development believes that Pat and Kelly can work out their differences together. Chris does not quite understand the magnitude of programming involved with this launch though. ConclusionsAs a result of fallacious emails to one another regarding the new product launch for Pat Lambert and Kelly Thomas both feel alienated and find it hard to compromise on the new iScanner Retail Project. The fallacious emails between Kelly and Pat are regarding their disagreement about the capabilities of the software design team and the man-power to create programming for all the features in the new iScanner. Pat is not quite experienced in dealing with software programmers, their processes and requirements. Pat and Kelly’s emails result in emotional and defensive and inability to listen to each other and cooperate on the new iScanner launch so it does not happen. Conclusion and RecommendationsIn many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. Many have seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. And we have all seen the often-intense personal animosity that can result. The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing: As long as it is resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. The good news is that by resolving conflict successfully, you can solve many of the problems that it has brought to the surface, in addition to getting benefits that you might not at first expect:My recommendation would be to get Pat, Kelly, Chris and Cliff into a room for a face-to-face meeting. The point of this is to increase the understanding which is needed to resolve conflict and it expands people’s awareness of the situation, giving them an insight into how they can achieve their own goals without undermining those of other people. Additionally, if is resolved effectively, team members can develop stronger mutual respect, and a renewed faith in their ability to work together; and after allowing a brief period of venting, the meeting can be called to order. At this point I would recommend that all emotion be excluded from the communication process, so that the first of many beneficial and productive brainstorming sessions can begin. Another thing I would recommend is to re-vamp the iScanner launch so the product launch is conducive to the budget and to better fit the company’s abilities. For instance, instead of launching a complicated product, possibly expand the current iScanner into other industries such as hospitals, colleges and the government, while adding possibly one or two features. The iScanner retinal scanner will perform the same functions as its current version with possibly one or two new features to keep within the company’s budget. Keeping the expansion of the ‘Retail’ iScanner idea on the backburner to launch in a year or two but after Secur-A launches their product. Reference Apollo Group (2003). UOP Assessment. Retrieved 4/19/08, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Causes and Effects of the Romantic Period Essay

Romanticism has very little to do with things popularly thought of as â€Å"romantic,† although love may occasionally be the subject of romantic art. Rather, it is an international artistic and philosophical movement that redefined the fundamental ways in Western cultures thought about themselves and about their world (Melani). In the early seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the enlightment, reason, revolution, age of science and technology created a history that could not be compared to any other time. Political, scientific, social and philosophical upheavals were a new part of an improved world. The romantic period was bought to England through these events which created a whole new world. The romantic period in England began in the early 17th century; Historians argued over the end of the period. The literature of this time is now considered to have lasted into the 1870’s. There are many major concepts that created the ideas written about by writers of the romantic period (Horst). The imagination was elevated to a position as the supreme faculty of the mind (Melani). The Romantics labeled imagination as creativity. It created a new way of art feeling and reasoning. Humans began to see the world with a different appearance. â€Å"Nature† meant many things to the Romantics (Melani). Nature was used as meditation in romantic poetry; it was itself in art. Nature was not viewed as science but as organically unified whole. Symbolism and myth were given great prominence in the Romantic conception of the art (Melani). In the period of Romanticism humans believed symbolism made their art more meaningful. Myth was brought by symbol through the language in art. Other aspects of Romanticism were intertwined with the above three concepts (Melani). Imagination brought importance to feeling and greater attention to the self view in art. Literary history turned poetry into powerful emotions. In Romantic theory, art was valuable for what one saw in them not for what the world viewed. Consequently, the romantics sought to define their goals through systematic contrast with norms of â€Å"Versailles neoclassicism† (Melani). Music changed the behavior of human characteristics and individual activities. People viewed themselves different than others. No one wanted to be alike and they expressed it. The Romantics asserted the  importance of the in individual, the unique, even the eccentric (Melani). Religion was forced but during the romantic period people began to reject it and instead chose their own way of life. The attitude of many of the romantics to the everyday, social world around them was complex. They used colors that were always seen but as techniques advanced, so did their colors. Their art form was not based off legends anymore but off their common language. The Romantics were ambivalent towards the â€Å"real† social world around them (Melani). Artist began to pull themselves away from the public. Through their own emotions they intercepted finally it should be noted that the revolutionary energy underlying the Romantic Movement affected not just literature, but all of the arts – – from music (consider the rise of Romantic opera) to painting, from sculpture to architecture (Melani). The different types of arts that grew during this period spr ead to the rest of the world. The Atlantic side manifested the great landscape painters. The American Revolution, between 1775-1783, was the first war fought for the â€Å"Rights of Men.† It was ideas expressed in the â€Å"Declaration of Independence† and the â€Å"Constitution† that explains the â€Å"Enlightened† ideas why revolutions are sometimes necessary (Horst). Based on these new  thoughts a nation was built. The first of these ideas was that â€Å"All men are created equal†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Locke). The government was created with only the power that the people in the state give it. During the American Revolution the sugar act, stamp act, and tea act were created. The sugar imported from West Indies was increased. Many items and documents required stamps; price was rosin for the colonies to pay defense. In Boston Harbor colonist dressed as Indians dumped tea over board from three ships. The French Revolution was the product of social, economic, and religious political conditions. The social cause of the French revolution was that the hard working class had to give the money they earned to finance the foreign wars. The working class was also the treasury that repaid the nations debt. The working class created the oppressive rule of the monarchist regime. It was successful in helping France from foreign invaders but it was unfair to the general public. The economic cause of the French Revolution was that basic necessities and bread prices were taxed very high for the working class so that they can keep the finance government running. Religion was a big role in the French Revolution. During this time, the nobles and priest who took power over the people to maintain their nobility distorted the principles of Christianity. As a result, religion was blamed for their injustice and was seen as one of the causes that led to the revolt. Society divided into segments. People were told that if they were not in the working class they were a part of the nobles and clergy literature. There was no freedom of speech which affected the nature of literature in expression. Literature at this time was quite restrained. The nobles and the clergy had all the literature material. Art and literature began to take a new turn when the spirit of the revolution caught the nation. Writers at the time were waiting for the right moment to unleash their work. Under a new law the artists and writers were given an amount of freedom to express themselves. The Industrial Revolution created a new world. During this time new technology was created; women and children worked the machinery. Later, children were given an opportunity to childhood. As an escape of the industrial revolution, romantic writes wrote about feelings, dreams, and fairytales. Romanticism determined the real art in literature, music, and visual expression. The romantic period created a new era for England. Literature such as poetry was expressed with feeling. Art was viewed with different ideas and new colors. Creators used imagination through the beauty of nature. Things began to evolve which created a whole new. Essay on Author’s Life, Work and Criticisms Mary Wollstonecraft lived a remarkable life. She â€Å"left her footprints on the stand of time† (Footprints). Wollstonecraft was one of the first advocates for the equal rights for women. Her life spanned the early years of the Age of Revolutions. Mary, born into a wealthy family, was raised with an education only offered to the most important families. Her intellectual, social and inquisitive mind would make her one of the most influential authors in English literature (Horst). Her life, work, and criticism formed the ideas she persuaded in her most famous pieces of writing, â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights to Woman.† Wollstonecraft was born in London in 1759. When she was nineteen she left home and began her own life. Later, Wollstonecraft installed a school at Newington Green. In 1787 she started her literary career. She was hired as a translator and literary advisor for Joseph Johnson. Wollstonecraft became a regular contributor of articles once Johnson’s Analytical Revolution was out. In 1791 two events took place that promoted Wollstonecraft to write her A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Cengage). The new French Constitution and the report on education assist her on writing â€Å"A Vindication  of the Rights of Woman.† She dedicated the beginning part of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman to Tallyerand-Perigord asking him to rethink his ideas about education for woman. Wollstonecraft wrote to many other people standing up for the value of woman and their rights. She felt that they shouldn’t just be viewed as a hopeless houses wife but as an individual willing to succeed in civilized work. In â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman† Wollstonecraft talks a great deal about power – in terms of the statuesque, in regards to women to have power not over men but over themselves (Cengage). â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman† was much acclaimed in radical political circles when it was published, but it also attracted considerable hostility (Cengage). For most of the ninetieth century the book was ignored. It was said to be to a disgrace. In the late twentieth century Wollstonecraft’s treatise was founded as the work of feminism. The author’s attitudes towards the subjects in her book made her book foundational feminist text. Horace Walpole called Wollstonecraft a hyena in petticoats because her work on the book had scandalous reputation. Mary Wollstonecraft was a remarkable woman. She wrote a book called â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman† to help people view women differently. Although authors did not like the subjects in her book it help give the sport to women in the world today. â€Å"I was born for something greater than I was – – and greater I would become, but greatness at last to my distorted perceptions, was no necessary associate of goodness, and my wild thoughts were unchecked by moral considerations when they rioted in dreams of distinction.† (Shelly). Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was a feminist only insofar as she followed her mother’s ideas about unrestricted education for woman and equality with in a marriage (victorianweb). She wrote â€Å"Frankenstein† and became known as one of the most important authors in the early 1800’s. She struggled through most of her life but it never stopped her from being one of the famous authors in literature. Her life, work and criticism help form her structure in writing. Mary was born August 30, 1791 and died in the year of 1851. Mary was raised by her step mother and her father. The step mom did not want her show any of her mother’s principles. Mary didn’t like her step mother because she saw what her mother had not been. Mary was taught to read and write at home. She was encouraged by her father to use her imagination. She started scribbling at a young age. She used her father’s  library and sat quietly listening to her father’s discussions over political, philosophical, scientific, and literary things. Later she reunited with her mother in London but her father found out and forbidden her from seeing her mother. Mary’s first baby was born February 22, 1815 and died two week later. She than gave birth to two other kids. Mary Shelley’s novel called â€Å"Frankenstein† also known as â€Å"The Modern Prometheus† was published in March 1818. She started writing this novel at the age of nineteen. The novel opens up with a letter. Robert Walton sends a letter to his sister in England. In the first part of this novel Victor tells his story. He talks about his childhood and his sister. He gives some information on his education but mostly about what he has been though and how much he loves his sister. Laura Claridge says that she created Frankenstein based off of her troubles in family relationships. She says that Victor was created off being neglected in childhood but Shelley says he is nurturing and warm with family. She says that the story is supported well. The theme to her was based off of connections to Shelley’s own life story just in a different way and setting. Over all the story had viewed Shelley as a victim as being neglected which might have affected her in the long run but helped her create a well written story. Mary Shelley created a great novel. Even though lots of things that accrued during her life time affected her she didn’t let that stop her from expressing in literature. She became a great writer though the work of her mother. Essay of Analysis’s of both Author’s Work Mary Wollstonecraft wrote â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights to Woman† to help give women the right to be seen as more than the one who cares for the home. She didn’t like the idea of not letting women be involved in education. She didn’t think it was fair she wanted them to be treated equally. Women could be more than what they were seen to do because they had no one to speck up for them Mary Wollstonecraft did what she though what was best and wrote a book that would be remembered for life. Her novel includes hyperbole, symbol, and repetition as her literary devices. Mary Wollstonecraft used hyperbole as a one of her many literary devices. One of the themes that she used to provide this literary device was liberalism. Liberalism rests on description between the public and private spheres, maintaining that the state guarantees rights and leaves families to make their own choices (Phelan P.3). Mary Wollstonecraft didn’t want property to be undesirable she just wanted woman to be financially independent instead of always have to wait for everything through their husband and be stuck at home. Symbol is also a part of this theme. Her symbol was women. She didn’t want women to have all the power in the world. She wanted them to be viewed equal. To her men only viewed them as â€Å"innocent, delicate, feminine, and beautiful† of courses women are truth to this factor but they weren’t seen for what they could do if they had the chance. (Phelan P.1). The two themes that were tied into repetition are education reform and the need for a revolution in female manners. In chapter three, Wollstonecraft writes, â€Å"It is time to effect a revolution in the female manners – time to restore to them their lost dignity – and make them, as a part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves to reform the world. It is time to separate unchangeable morals for local manners.† (Phelan P.2). In chapter thirteen she says again that women should be more involved in the mankind world everything has a value and women are as important as man. To her education was a great value. Education reform one of the themes in her novel also used repetition. Education wasn’t set to be for just men it was also be for women. She wanted boys and girls to be in a class room setting together she knew that girls and boys could both be taught the same things. Liberalism used hyperbole, symbol, and repetition. Wollstonecraft didn’t wont women to be labeled. She wanted girls to know that they weren’t created to be more or less then guys they were to be equal. Education was to key to success for women. She wrote the book hoping to let everyone know that no matter what gender you are you were always meant to be treated the same with all equal right and liberties. Her book opened the eyes of many people. Wollstonecraft had hyperbole, symbol, and repetition as her literary devices included in her novel. Women are not just a piece of art for men to view. If they were given a chance they could do more than men. Every in this world was created equal. With this mind setting later viewed things changed and gave women the chance to vote and be involved in more things than just being stuck at home. Marry Shelley’s story â€Å"Frankenstein† is about a man who created a creature that frightened everyone including himself. The book was and still  is a story that everyone is amazed by because of its imagination. She wrote Frankenstein in the summer of 1816 and later anonymously published in 1818; she had been inspired from all the things that occurred in her family. Marry Shelley included symbolism, imagery, and tone to create Frankenstein. Marry used light as a symbol for knowledge. Walton explains the secret of the universe to be unveiled in the North Pole which he describes as â€Å"a country of eternal lights (litchart). In the book, Victor feels like he accomplished something when â€Å"a light had broken upon him† there for again using light as a symbol of knowledge. Marry also uses fire; fire was the one thing a person wasn’t supposed to have according to Greek mythology because it was something that only belonged to the Gods. He was punished for â€Å"playing God† when making the creature. His family was singled out and killed it was a similar way of prolonged torture. Fire appears throughout the novel as a dangerous focused used for sustenance and punishment (litchart). Mary Shelley uses a lot of descriptive words in telling the story. She uses imagery throughout her whole story. She tells the story in a way where we can see it all that happening. Victor is the narrator in the story; he’s telling the story whole story to Walton. The way it is described creates suspense for the reader. If Mary Shelley didn’t use imagery in her book we wouldn’t be able to imagine the characters. The tone used in her story varies through what’s going on in the book. The tones that the story has are romantic, gothic, tragic, and fatalistic; all these tones are what help create a great story like Frankenstein. Romantic tone is used as an affect to nature. The story ties into begin gothic because of all the supernatural and creepy events that happen throughout the novel. Sadness is how the tragic tone is part of the story because people loose their loved ones. The biggest tragedy is the monster has no outlet for his feeling of benevolence towar ds humanity (shmoop). A sense of fatalism is used in the novel when people seem to be predestined; one single act sets them in motion. Mary was able to create a wonderful story because of those literary devices. With her wild and creative imagination she was able to fascinate us. Mary refers to light by using fire for symbolism; she uses descriptive words to create imagery and different tones to help put feeling in her book. Brief Conclusion Summarizing all the Ideas of the Paper The Romantic Period was of great help to England. It created know ways of expression in literature. Mary Wollstonecraft and her daughter Escobar 15 became great writers thanks to the changes that happened in the Romantic Period. Marry Wollstonecraft who wrote â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights to Woman† was of great help to us women. Thanks to her novel we were able to be seen an equal individual with the right to work, vote, and receive an education to became some one in life. She used literacy devices to help her create her novel. Marry Shelley became a great writer as well thanks to her mother. She wrote â€Å"Frankenstein† a novel that is still used today. She had good imagination and created her novel. Literature experience changes during the Romantic period which help create great novels in to day’s life. Work Cited Page(s) â€Å"A Biographical Sketch of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley† 24 Jan. 2003 â€Å"British Critic Review of Frankenstein† March 1818 â€Å"How did the industrial revolution affect the literature of the romantic period?† â€Å"Frankenstein Summary† 22 Feb. 2012 Escobar 16 â€Å"Frankenstein Study Guide – Mary Shelley –† 22 Feb. 2012 â€Å"Interesting Facts & Information: Recent Articles.† revolution/1044 7 March 2012 â€Å"Introduction: Mary Shelley Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Criticism.† 22 Feb. 2012 â€Å"Presentation of Criticism of Frankenstein† Cengage, Gale. â€Å"Marry Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Criticism.† Woman-criticism/vindication-rights-woman-mar†¦ 22 March 2012 Horst,Suzanne. â€Å"How to Write Cause and Effect.† Tolleson Union High School. 5 March 2012. Leture Lombardi, Esther. â€Å"Romantic Period Where Did It All Begin?’’ 9 Feb. 2012. Print. Martin, Kelly. Social Contract.† American History: 27 Feb. 2012 Escobar 17 Phelan, Renee â€Å"Literary Summary: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, By Marry Wollstonecraft† Shelley, Mary. â€Å"Sites about Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus† 22 March 2012 Scott, Walter. â€Å"Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine of Frankenstein, 1818† 20 March – 1 April 1818 bemrev.html

The Sovereignty of American Indians and the Mainstream Community: Is There a Possibility to Coexist?

Nowadays we often hear the word ‘sovereignty' when it comes down to the issues related to American Indians. Sovereignty and related words such as self-sufficiency, self-determination and personal responsibility are everywhere. It's nothing new. Indian tribes long have regarded their status as sovereign nations as allowing them special permission to determine their own laws, customs and ways. They see this as something assured them by the U. S. Constitution, innumerable treaties (by the way, sometimes broken or ignored by whites), federal-court decisions and legislation.What gives sovereignty new currency, however, is an idea in Congress that in the future the tribes could make the subject to lawsuits from private citizens, while now they aren't. It raised a contentious question whether the sovereignty issues of American Indians form any problem for the larger society. To reply this question, it is useful to consider what Indian sovereignty means in modern interpretation and how it affects the mainstream society.It is common knowledge that three fundamental principles underlie the nature of American Indians' tribal powers: tribes originally possessed the powers of sovereign states; conquest terminated external sovereignty; this restriction did not affect the internal sovereignty of the tribe and its powers of local self-government. Thus, sovereignty is inherent to American Indians, and their privileges with respect to court trials, taxation and some kinds of businesses like gaming and fishing within reservation lands could not be considered as violating the rights of non–Indians. From the other standpoint, self–government implies approval by the U.S. authorities that a certain measure of tribal decision–making is essential but that this process should be monitored carefully so that its outcomes are compatible with the objectives and policies of the larger political power. It means that American Indians' sovereignty is not absolute, and it is logical, as the Indian tribes are subject to the laws of the U. S. A number of critics of Indians' sovereign immunity argue that it allows the Indians freedom from being sued and permits them to ignore valid property and fishing rights of non- Indians, especially those living and working in reservations.The states are also uneasy with their privileges. As the federal government continues to work out details of its relationships with tribes, state governments which are the tribes' closest neighbors have a separate relationship with them, and it's often strained. The lack of state jurisdiction over Indians and reservations, federal controls and inherent tribal sovereignty are all resulting in ongoing disputes between tribes and states. American Indians are not only citizens of the tribe, but also of the U.S. and the state in which they reside. This ‘triple citizenship' creates an ambiguous matrix of regulatory and other jurisdictional requirements for Indians, on and off their reservations. Jurisdiction over non- Indians living within Indian lands also seems murky. But as Indian tribes gain more and more influence, state leaders realize that it is more productive and mutually beneficial to work with, not against, them. In fact, states have a chance to profit economically from good relations with tribes.Mutually beneficial agreements can set up revenue sharing from tribal gas, liquor and cigarette taxes or gambling. Tribes are marketing natural resources and sport hunting and fishing. Some Indian bands are among the states' top employers with their manufacturing plants, hotels and casinos, and large tribal governments. With all this going on in many Indian–owned companies the most employees are non-Indians. Tribes successful at gaming are diversifying their economic ventures.Some tribes consider gaming as a means towards an end of their business diversity. The discussed above clearly testifies that American Indians' sovereignty in fact rather benefits than affects the mainstream American society. On this account it looks reasonable that states and Indian tribes need to sit down and try to work out together what their mutual needs and concerns are, and find a system by which they can, harmoniously and jointly, cooperate to reach some common ground.For sure states and tribes have mutual interests – human services, environmental protection and economic well-being create opportunities to cooperate and develop solutions, while maintaining autonomy. The first step in the process of cooperation is to gain mutual understanding. State legislators have to accept the growing tribal presence within the federal system so they can effectively address policy questions about shared governing. And tribes need to understand the effects of their actions on states.Ideally, state legislatures would provide the setting for state and tribal governments to work together to resolve issues. Legislation could be written to address state-tri bal negotiations in general, or specific issues such as health and human services, natural resources or gaming. The declared principles to which the nation has dedicated itself are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for American citizens, thus, the bonds of past Indian wardship must be broken forever.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Literature review for online booking system for dry cleaners

For online booking system for dry cleaners - Literature review Example undry, ironing, dry cleaning and shoe repair to residents of east, west, north and south Belfast; the system is user-friendly and easy to use for clients. It contains pages about the all washed up laundry and dry cleaning company, delivery service which includes the online booking service, prices, frequently asked questions, where to find them and the their contacts. In addition, they have also created pages that are in line with the services that they offer, these are; domestic laundry services, commercial laundry services, dry cleaning services, ironing services, tailoring and shoe repair service. The visibility of similar websites that are available online is not at its best since it requires a lot of effort before one can locate a laundry and dry cleaning business that is online. The most common places that an individual can find such businesses is in online directories and even in such places, services such as online booking are absent. Just like other websites, the most common security threat for such websites is hacking to steal the clients’ credit card information or other crucial data. According to Morgan (2006), the most common attack will be on SQL databases through the SQL direct injection attack; this injection attack occurs where the hacker gains access to a website and alter the databases either by deleting records in the datable or entire tables of data; the method they do this is through making use of the weak points in the website code especially the way the website code queries the database. However this can be solved through keeping databases error quiet; this means that when a hacker tries to detect vulnerabilities to exploit he will only find friendly messages that do not expose the vulnerabilities (Fernandez, Abrahà £o & Insfran, 2011, p 118). The other solution is to ensure all the data that is entered through form is checked and sanitized for any malicious content before being entered in to the database (Aggarwal et al, 2005, p97).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to Accounting and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Introduction to Accounting and Finance - Essay Example Based on the forecasted data assessed with ratios and capital budgeting techniques, the project has been found highly feasible with attractive returns. For details view of the financials; forecasting sheets have also been provided. Moreover, there are some assumptions made while forecasting the financials of the project and these assumptions have also been discussed. ASSUMPTIONS ABC DRINK Following set of assumptions have been followed to prepare the following financials for the data: 1. External environment has been analysed and the market has been found conducive of conducting the energy drink business. 2. ABC drink has been evaluated for the offering size of 250 ml. 3. Costing of the material has been used the cost of item listed. 4. All the expenses are based in fictional figures. 5. Price of the product has been set according to competitive prices available on the Amazon grocery offering 6. It is assumed the changing season would not affect the demand. 7. Production and will fol low the given pattern. 8. The closing stock of each month is utilised in next month. 9. Frequent receipts do not affect the payments as even in the months when the cash position is running negative. 10. For business valuation, the forecasting for the net income has been done for 5 years with NI increasing with 2.5% with first two years, 5% in third-year, 8% in fourth-year and 10% in fifth-year. 11. Required rate of return for business valuation has been taken as 15%. It has been selected so high to incorporate any effect of unlikely event that negatively affects business operations mainly cost and revenues. MARGINAL COSTING COST STATEMENT    TOTAL EXP. CATEGORY FIXED AMT VAR AMT    (Monthly) (PROD OR SELLING) (%) In (%)    LABOR                Factory Manager ? 7,083 Production 100% ? 7,083 0% ? - Accountant ? 4,500 Selling 100% ? 4,500 0% ? - supervisor ? 2,500 Production 50% ? 1,250 50% ? 1,250 Marketing team of 3 people ? 3,600 Selling 35% ? 1,260 65% ? 2,340 SCM team ? 5,000 Selling 25% ? 1,250 75% ? 3,750 Sales Force (10 people) ? 8,000 Selling 20% ? 1,600 80% ? 6,400 Technician (2) ? 6,400 Production 50% ? 3,200 50% ? 3,200 On Floor Labor ? 14,000 Production 10% ? 1,400 90% ? 12,600 watchman (Prod dept) ? 980 Production 100% ? 980 0% ? - watchman warehouse ? 980 Selling 100% ? 980 0% ? - Transporter ? 1,300 Production 65% ? 845 35% ? 455 Transporter    ? 1,800 Selling 40% ? 720 60% ? 1,080 BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS Break even analysis is the point where the total cost of the company is equal to the total revenues (Levy, & Brooks, 1986) and at this point the profit of the company is 0 (Anand, 2004). Breakeven analysis is used to determine the minimum quantity that should be produced in order to achieve no loss (Arnold, 2008; Besley, & Brigham, 2007). Breakeven point for the discussed project has been identified and it is 42,304 units. This means that the company needs to sell 42,034 units of drink in order to achieve zero profitability. BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS T. FIXED COST ? 38,954.33 VC ? 1.18 SALES PRICE ? 2.10 CONTRIBUTION MARGIN ? 0.92 BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS 42,304.70 Break even has also been calculated using graph. The following graph shows break even and it is almost the same point as calculated above. Cash budget Cash budget shows

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critique of Systematic Research Review (SRR) Assignment

Critique of Systematic Research Review (SRR) - Assignment Example Levels of evidence explored in Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt’s SRR vary in research designs of the literature used. The SRR utilized evidence from research articles and books. First, reliable applications of evidence-based practices in healthcare frameworks formed a level of evidence. Nurses in Magnet organizations reported these applications in higher levels. Magnet organizations were the designs of the first research works used by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2011). Second, the accessibility of professionals of evidence-based practices was proof of the SRR’s viability. Third, organizational cultures that supported evidence-based practices were proof of the SRR’s flexibility and comprehensiveness. In addition, there were no substantial differences in items associated with the requirements and access to sustenance of evidence-based practices. Critique of the Clarity with Which the Studies are Presented and Critiqued The clarity that Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt use to present and critique the studies in the SRR is exceptional. The researchers provide a discussion of the variances between research designs of study application and models of evidence-based practices. Both ideological variances, as well as the variances in physician competencies required and critiqued. Study models of evidence-based practices used by the writers are debated in differing levels of detail. For instance, Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt discuss the Iowa Model, Larrabee's model, and Kitson's model differently.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Significant person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Significant person - Essay Example The size of his feet and hands is normal, not too big or too small. His head is square shaped with a notably short neck and narrow shoulders. He has a birth mark of two black dots on the other shoulder with two hairs and we use to call them cockroaches and he enjoys it. His sense of hearing is exceptionally good and his voice is loud when he talks. His voice also vibrates when he laughs and he is always smelling cigarettes in his breath when you are closer to him. He likes to use gestures when speaking like nodding the head when emphasising a point. He keeps a moustache which makes her facial expression look fun. My father is 59 years old and is an ambassador and I mostly admire him for his great achievements in life. He finished his high school in Qatar and obtained a diploma in Lebanon. He went on to obtain a Masters Degree in San Diego, CA. He is married and has six children of which four are boys and two are girls. We are originally from Qatar but we are living here because of his ambassadorial post. His position gives him status in the society though I am not very familiar with his

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Real Estate and Recession Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Real Estate and Recession - Research Paper Example This is what happened in United States before the global financial crisis. The values of houses touched the peaks during the year 2006 which begin to rapidly decline during 2006-2007. Now let us discuss some of the causes which led to the burst of housing bubble. The housing tax policy as discussed in taxpayer relief act of 1997 encouraged people to invest in housing rather than stocks and other types of investments. There were not enough regulations in place to have a proper check and balance on such housing investments. The use of mandated loans is considered another cause of the burst of housing bubble. Then the federal bank also lowered interest rates while the rise of houses was not uniform in all regions of United States. The Americans used to believe that investing in houses is a secured investment and they even preferred to become owners of their houses. There were many marketing campaigns being run to encourage people to invest in real estate. This encourages more and more p eople to invest. However, the high values of houses were later followed by decline in prices which busted the bubble. The housing bubble affected the U.S economy in various ways. Millions of new houses were built and sold. The share prices and revenues of big construction companies reached to the peak and made millions as a result. There was a large increase in mortgage equity withdrawals which usually include loans for home equity and cash out refinancing. The housing bubble led to the recession in United States which was the worst after great depression. Many Americans were forced to migrate from the expensive metropolitan areas due to price variation in different regions on United States. The subprime mortgage crisis was one of the most important reasons which led to the global financial crisis. This was due to the result of delinquencies and foreclosures in subprime mortgages. Then it was followed by the decline in value of these securities backed by the underlying mortgages. Th e financial crisis and recession has not ended yet. Financial experts believe that the slow growth will continue till the end of year 2012. The entire world in interconnected and the United States is bound to suffer due to the events and happenings across different countries. Since the start of financial crisis, the federal government has been taken serious effects to avoid this in future. However, there are few things which need to be emphasized. There must be some lender of the last resort such as International Monetary Fund (IMF) who can come for help whenever needed. Unfortunately, IMF doesn’t have this job role or enough resources to handle such situations. This needs to be raised during the coming IMF meetings. Then there is need of regulations which can protect the organizations from taking excessive risk. The leverage ratios can also be put in some limit in order to estimate the damage by the shock. The federal bank should put special efforts to control the growing po wers of big firms which can even negatively affect the situation. The firms and even government institutions should pay special consideration while extending credit to borrowers. The credit history of prospective buyers needs to be checked before giving them loans. In order to avoid mortgage crisis, Federal Deposition Insurance Corporation (FDIC) came out with loan work out model. This model was introduced with the

Importance of Management and Interpersonal Skills Essay

Importance of Management and Interpersonal Skills - Essay Example Therefore it is enlightened as the way individuals relate with each other. Interpersonal skills also take into account the ability to understand and listen. Decision making, personal stress as well problem solving is also considered as a part of it (Barkley and Murphy, 2005, p.699). Therefore interpersonal skills play an indispensible role towards the success of an individual in both the personal and professional fields. It further helps individuals to perform effectively in the various circumstances at the workplace (Klein, 2009, p.9). Individuals with strong interpersonal skills can easily portray their confidence and charismatic image (Givens, 2008, p.314). It also helps to develop the management skills of a person. Management skills are also necessary for a person to function in an organization (Dan O’, 2008, p.163-164). Hence strong interpersonal skill and management skill act as the foundation of success. The report will present a brief introduction and the background of management skills. It will mainly demonstrate the required expertise for a person to work in an organization. The study will also discuss different type of management skill. Furthermore in the literature review section, the study will shed light on the previous works of eminent writers and will also emphasize on the theories of interpersonal and management skills. Then reflective analyses will be carried out, which will depict one of the necessary skills required for a person to excel in his/her career. The report will then conclude with the significance of interpersonal and management skill. Finally it will offer few recommendations for the purpose of developing interpersonal and management skills. Introduction In the last few decades, the scenario of managerial tasks has undergone substantial changes. The changes are mainly because of the fact that economic, technological and organizational context in which administ rative works are carried out has transformed rapidly. There have been changes in almost every sector of a business organization (Huber and Glick, 1995, p.400). Introduction of modern concepts such as â€Å"the self managed work team†, incorporation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR), extensive use of information technology and employment of a variety of communication techniques are some of the visible changes within an organization (Worrall and Copper, 1999, p.5). Consequently managers have to learn all such factors and their implementation processed in order to cope and get accustomed with the changes (Dey, 2004, p.86). Despite all such changes one thing remained constant and will probably remain constant in the near future. With inconsequential variations, what has remained unaltered for a number of years, are the basic skills that reside at the nucleus of effective management and is known as the management skills. In general management skills include conceptual skills , communication skills, interpersonal skills and finally effectiveness skill (Singh, 2012, p.20). Each of these skills has different applications and is implemented according to the need of the situation. However in addition to management skills, success also depends upon the personal skills.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research and Business Plan-based on my business idea Paper

And Business Plan-based on my business idea - Research Paper Example Actions done in the span of a few seconds may have great effect on someone else’s life. It is the driving factor in emergency cases. If immediate medical attention is not given particularly during life and death situations, a mishap could prove to be fatal. It is essential for a health care team to conduct necessary care and medical action to prevent the loss of life most especially during emergency situations. Much has been done to improve turnaround time in the medical field. Paramedics and emergency teams are well trained in ensuring swift and accurate handling of medical emergency cases. With this, the writers would like to introduce an innovation that would address challenges in establishing patient identity and medical history such that medical practitioners would no longer have to go through the motions of interviewing the patient or his companions/ relatives prior to implementing medical care. 911 Health Care Services Corporation is the driving force behind the 911 Eme rgency Health Care System, a product that aims to reduce the number of accidental deaths by providing instant medical history with just a scan of an eye. The objective of this product is to provide a secure product that will save lives without compromising identity. The management envisions eliminating the current turnaround time for administering emergency care services, and make patient identification as easy as it could be. The product will have a pilot launch in Massachusetts. Distribution will initially be limited to this state but management is looking at expanding to other cities and states, and eventually to other parts of the world. II. VALUE PROPOSITION Saving time and saving lives are the two value propositions of the product. 911 Emergency Health Care System aims to make patient identification quick and accurate, thereby resulting in fast and accurate administration of applicable drugs and health care. 911 Emergency Health Care System introduces the handheld retinal scan ning device to be used in recognizing patients. The device communicates with a software program where patient data is stored. Once a patient is scanned, the medical team handling the case may proceed updating the medical records to ensure that the next handling team will be supplied accurate medical information as well. The service provides physicians and patients with timely access to patient medical information to save lives. On the patient side, we want to assure him that with this device, his eyes will say it all – his identity, his medical needs and history. He would not have to worry about not being to divulge all information needed. This is important particularly in emergency situations, where the patient is alone or is unable to communicate due to his situation. On the medical team’s side, the scanning device will improve their response time for emergency situations. Giving appropriate medicine and health care is important, and they would not be able to do this without any patient background and information. III. PRODUCT FEATURES AND BENEFITS With 911 Emergency Health Care System, even patients with no identification papers will receive appropriate medical care. Other benefits of the product are as follows: Medical team will have easy access to the patient’s personal and medical information. They can also update the information accordingly. The product aims to reduce accidental deaths or health care errors The scanning device and software reduces paperwork

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Explain the legal position of cohabitees whose relationship breaks Essay

Explain the legal position of cohabitees whose relationship breaks down. Consider whether the law (statutory or otherwise) provi - Essay Example that partner is not entitled to any equity in the home.4 Neither partner is entitled to alimony, either.5 Moreover, the children who are born during the partnership are not automatically considered to be the children of the man in the relationship – other steps must be taken to establish paternity, and couples often do not take these extra steps, so the man has neither the rights nor the responsibilities regarding these children.6 This essay will examine the issues surrounding people who cohabit, as well as the specific cases regarding cohabitation, and will attempt to make recommendations that would help couples be better protected under the UK law. Issues Surrounding Cohabitation One of the major issues surrounding cohabitants is the way that they run their finances.7 Specifically, the rule in the UK about cohabitants is that there is an assumption in the UK law that the partners in the cohabiting relationship are bound to one another to support one another financially.8 Thi s is played out in the context of benefit entitlement – the law in the UK states that two people who are married or co-habiting cannot make individual claims for benefits.9 One of the people in the relationship must make the claim for both people in the relationship, as well as any children who are a part of the relationship.10 The UK law then looks at the joint income of the household, and if the joint income of the household is above a certain threshold, then the people in the household are not entitled to certain benefits.11 The issue with this is that the unmarried cohabiting couple are not obligated to support one another, yet the law treats them as if they are.12 This has implications especially for the female non-working partner. The status for women, with regards to state support, previously was that she could have a valid claim for benefits if she were in an unmarried relationship with a man, but this changed with the Supplementary Benefit Act 1966.13 The Supplementa ry Benefit Act 1966 states that unmarried persons must apply for benefits jointly if they are cohabiting.14 The reason that the law treats the two people in a cohabiting relationship as if they are married is that social policy is geared towards encouraging marriage and discouraging cohabiting relationships.15 In other words, it was in the best interest of the UK government to encourage marriage by not treating cohabitants differently than married couples. This is because, if the UK government chooses to treat cohabitants more favorably than married couples, by giving each partner separate benefits, then this would discourage the couples from marrying. The upshot of this cohabitation rule, is that the non-working partner loses his or her lone parent status, and the benefits that are associated with this status.16 The non-working partner, therefore loses the ability to have their own money, if they are staying home and taking care of the children, and they are forced to rely upon som etimes

Monday, July 22, 2019

Animal abuse Essay Example for Free

Animal abuse Essay Animal abuse is when someone inflicts pain or harm upon an animal such as not giving them their basic needs (food and water) to beating them. In between 5 and 7 million animal companions enter an animal shelter nationwide, every year (, and within 50 miles of Hayward, CA, there are 170 animal cruelty cases reported ( Imagine what these innocent beings that cannot speak out to let the human know they are in pain feel. Animals need us to speak out and help reduce their suffering instead of making their lives worse. Animal safety needs to be improved by creating more laws to protect animals from harm. Animal cruelty is shaped by two forms of abuse, different types of animal abuse, opinions on how animal cruelty happens, organizations that help fight for animal rights, and ways to report it. see more:animal abuse essay Everyday animals are being taken advantage of and being brutally abused. They are beaten, kept in cages, and enslaved just for a person’s own amusement ( Humans like to have freedom but yet they have no problem locking animals away because they don’t feel like dealing with them. The law sees passive and active abuse as illegal but they don’t have strict consequences that follow. Passive abuse is when the crime is less intentional and active is doing it intentionally to cause pain upon an animal ( Why should animals have to endure this cruel torture? What did they do to deserve this? I believe animals should be more protected under the law and not just thrown around like garbage. Furthermore, there are many three main categories of animal abuse which are slaughter houses, animal testing, and finally in-house abuse. When slaughter house workers cut the heads off of a chicken their hearts are still beating, so they are forced to suffer for to benefit humans and are not protected under the law to be slaughtered humanely. Two hundred and eighty-seven chickens, three point sixty-eight pigs, and one point two cow are  slaughtered per second ( Should so many animals be put through this cruel and unusual torture? There should be a maximum number under the law that prevents them from slaughtering so many in a small amount of time. There are many forms of animal testing, but the two main animal tests are, the Eye Irritancy and Acute Toxicity. The Eye Irritancy test is also known as the Draize eye test which is performed on rabbits by inserting a fluid with a needle in one eye to see how it reacts to this fluid. The rabbits are put in a contraption that locks their heads and endure a lot of suffering such as ulcers, blindness, and usually death. Next, Acute Toxicity is a method where they determine how much of a chemical can be exposed to the mouth, skin, and inhaled with rats and mice. These rodents are poisoned and the experiment ends when at least half of the testing animals die from the trial. They suffer from excruciating pain, convulsions, loss of motor function and seizures ( No laws state that animal testing cannot be performed; therefore, they can inflict pain upon the animals at any time without worry of being prosecuted. They are able to inject them with lethal chemicals but when it comes to humans everyone is against injecting humans such as in the death penalty because it is inhumane and unusual torture. Finally, in-house abuse, is abuse from human to pet. According to the U.S. Animal Abuse Classifications chart neglect/abandonment ranks 1st with 5, 365 cases, animal hoarding ranks 2nd with 2,061 cases, and shooting comes in 3rd with 1,888 cases. I believe there should be laws that require background checks on violence and brutality in order to own pets because there are connection between violence and abusing animals. Overall, the United States has a high rate of people mistreating innocent animals and it must be prevented in order to protect these voiceless beings. Since the law is not doing much to protect these animals from cruel humans, the people believe they can get away with this crime. They have insecurities and since animals are smaller than them and can’t speak out they take all their frustrations out on them. Animals are helpless creatures whom are assumed to have no feelings. Animals are put through pain and torture due to people’s anger and ignorance. When a human is murdered, the law gives consequences to the murderer, but when animals are end up dead because of being tortured, the law does not provide consequences for the crime. These  people need to take responsibility for their actions and get the same punishment that they would get if these inflictions were toward a human. Animals deserve to have the same rights and be protected under the law. Despite of all the ignorant people, there are those who believe in equality between animals and humans and choose to be up standers. If laws were created that protected animals, these organizations would have a better support system for their fight. Laws would make these groups easier to support, therefore they could make more of a difference. For example, animal shelters provide the basic necessities such as food, shelter, and water and a safe environment for them to recover from the harsh acts. Without these shelters, animals will lose hope, so in order to keep them running, donations need to be given. Besides animal shelter, there are specific organizations that help fight for animal rights and help prevent animal cruelty. Some examples of organizations are the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These groups believe that animals are just as equal as humans and should not be treated the way they are. People need to take responsibility for their actions, take care of their pets properly, and encourage others to do the same. In order to provide sufficient ways of life for animals, the law must support these organizations. Although there are organizations that fight to make a difference, individuals can stop animal cruelty. The Karma Dog organization stated, â€Å"What come around goes around.† Furthermore, there are many strategies you can use to report any signs of abuse or neglect. They can call 911 if the animal is being forced to fight other animals, starved, tortured, and has heavy chains around the neck, open wounds, and mutilation. Another number you can call is 311. When calling 311 the conditions are deprivation of food, water, improper vet care and shelter, untreated skin conditions, has extreme flea infestation, and extremely long nails and matted hair. When seeing animal abuse posted through the internet you must immediately contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) which is partnered with the FBI ( Finally, you can go onto and sign petitions to stop animal testing and cruelty. You may not think one signature will make a difference but it does because once enough signatures  are collaborated, the government will realize something needs to be done. Never give up and keep fighting for these innocent animals. Even though animal abuse is wrong and hurtful to animals, some owners don’t purposely inflict harm upon them. For example, if the owner is having a really busy day and doesn’t have the time to walk their dog or they forget to feed them. Why should the owner be penalized for an accident? If the owner tries his best and treats the dog well any other time shouldn’t he be let off with a warning? A person should not be penalized for an accident because many things happen in life that causes distractions. Pet owners don’t intentionally neglect their pets and they deserve the chance to prove the courts otherwise. Some believe that animals are here to serve us so if so then we should not have to pamper them as we would for ourselves. In conclusion, animals and humans are no different and they should not be treated differently under the law. However, people in the United States mistreat innocent begins and laws need to be enforced to prevent it. Some think that animals cannot speak, that what happens to them will not affect them mentally, but every living animals have feeling whether they can talk or not. Treat an animal the way you would want to be treated. When using products, people should think to look if it has been tested on animals. Registering or volunteering at organizations that help prevent and heal abused animals will set a good example to others to fight for what you believe in. The bible states, â€Å"Do unto others.† This phrase is for all being not just humans so why should animals have to continue suffering. Be your own person and fight against animal abuse because this is cruel and unusual torture. Works Cited Pet Statistics. ASPCA. N.p., 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Reporting Internet Animal Abuse | BellaDOG Magazine. Reporting Internet Animal Abuse | BellaDOG Magazine. N.p., 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . The Issues. PETA. N.p., 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Types of Animal Testing. -The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS). N.p., 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Corp., Petabuse. Animal Cruelty. Animal Cruelty | Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database. N.p., 2001-2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Corp., Petabuse. Local Animal Cruelty Case Search | Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database. Local Animal Cruelty Case Search | Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database. N.p., 2001-2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Hugo, Victor. Animal Slaughter, Abuse and Cruelty. Behind the Screens. AnimalSuffering. Animals Rights Concerns, 2003,2009. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Study On Gandhis Leadership Styles History Essay

Study On Gandhis Leadership Styles History Essay This essay gives an overview of various leadership types and its main focuson the situational leadership. It attempts to explain the situational leadership process with an example of Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi as a situational leader. It further explores the attributes that Mahatma Gandhi as a situational leader possesses. The essay also tries to find out various effects of situational leadership. While mentioning the positive effects of the situational leadership, it also investigates the dark side of the situational leadership. After reading the essay the readers are expected to have gained enough familiarity with this kind of leadership and at the end of the essay. Any type of organisation, country or political party runs successfully when it is piloted by a skillful and influential leader. While leaders motivate their followers, it is not the only thing leaders can do. A good leader can structure the organisation in the way he wants. He represents the culture of the organization and most importantly, it has been observed that effective leaders posses a capacity to increase the productivity of the organization. Various scholars categorize leadership styles in a different way. Lewin (1939) classifies leadership styles in three categories: Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leadership. Mohandas Gandhi was born in the western part of British-ruled India on October 2, 1869. A timid child, he was married at thirteen to a girl of the same age, Kasturbai. Following the death of his father, Gandhis family sent him to England in 1888 to study law. There, he became interested in the philosophy of nonviolence, as expressed in the Bhagavad-Gita, Hindu sacred scripture, and in Jesus Christs Sermon on the Mount in the Christian Bible. He returned to India in 1891, having passed the bar, but found little success in his attempts to practice law. Seeking a change of scenery, he accepted a position in South Africa for a year, where he assisted on a lawsuit. In South Africa, he became involved in efforts to end discrimination against the Indian minority there, which were oppressed both by the British and by the Boers, descendants of the original Dutch settlers of the region. Having intended to stay a year, he ended up remaining until 1914 (his wife and children had joined him, meanwhile, in 1896). He founded the Natal Indian Congress, which worked to further Indian interests, and commanded an Indian medical corps that fought on the British side in the Boer War (1899-1901), in which the British conquered the last independent Boer republics. After the war, Gandhis reputation as a leader grew. He became even more adamant in his personal principles, practicing sexual abstinence, renouncing modern technology, and developing satyagraha-literally, soul- force. Satyagraha was a method of non-violent resistance, often called non-cooperation, that he and his allies used to great effect against the white governments in South Africa. Their willingness to endure punishment and jail earned the admiration of people in Gandhis native India, and eventually won concessions from the Boer and British rulers. By 1914, when Gandhi left South Africa and returned to India, he was known as a holy man: people called him a Mahatma, or great soul. At this point, he was still loyal to the British Empire, but when the British cracked down on Indian civil liberties after World War I, Gandhi began to organize nonviolent protests. The Amritsar Massacre, in which British troops gunned down peaceful Indian protestors, convinced Gandhi and India of the need for self-rule, and in the early 20s Gandhi organized large-scale campaigns of non-cooperation that paralyzed the subcontinents administration-and led to his imprisonment, from 1922 to 1924. After his release, he withdrew from politics for a time, preferring to travel India, working among the peasantry. But in 1930, he wrote the Declaration of Independence of India, and then led the Salt March in protest against the British monopoly on salt. This touched off acts of civil disobedience across India, and the British were forced to invite Gandhi to London for a Round-Table Conference. Although Gandhi received a warm welcome in England, the Conference foundered on the issue of how an independent India would deal with its Muslim minority, and Gandhi withdrew from public life again. But independence could not be long delayed. The Government of India Act (1935) surrendered significant amounts of power to Indians, and the Indian National Congress clamored for more. When World War II broke out, India erupted into violence, and many nationalist leaders, including Gandhi, went to prison. After the war, the new British government wanted to get India off its hands quickly. But Muhammed Ali Jinnah, the head of the Muslim League, demanded that a separate state be created for Indias Muslims, and to Gandhis great distress, the Congress leaders and the harried British agreed. August of 1947 saw Indias attainment of independence-as well as its partition into two countries, India and Pakistan. However, neither measure served to solve Indias problems, nor the country immediately fe ll apart: Hindus and Muslims killed each other in alarming numbers while refugees fled toward the borders. Heartbroken, Gandhi tried to calm the country, but to no avail. He was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist in Delhi on January 30, 1948, and India mourned the loss of its greatest hero. Gandhis leadership style is being termed as follower-centric and that took into account existing conditions before determining the strategy. Gandhi advocated having leadership styles that were dependent on the circumstances. When Gandhi was in South Africa, he launched his protests in a suit and a tie. But when he came back to India, he thought of khadi and launched non-violent protests on a greater scale; it shows that Gandhijis leadership style was situational leadership style. ( What is Leadership? Harry S. Truman, (2003) describes leadership as the ability to get men to do what they dont like to do and like it. John Gardner, (2003) describes leadership as the process of persuasion or example by which an individual (or a leadership team) induces a group to pursue objectives held by the leader or shared by the leader and his or her followers. The reciprocal process of mobilizing, by persons with certain motives and values, various economic, political and other resources, in a context of competition and conflict, in order to realize goals independently or mutually held by both leaders and followers. (James McGregor Burns, 2003). What is Situational Leadership? Hersey and Blanchard (1988) developed a particular form of contingency theory which has become well known as situational leadership. Making the point that the appropriateness of a leadership style is a function of the situation, they focused attention on subordinate maturity as a contingent variable, by which they meant the ability and willingness of a subordinate to work without direction. Where subordinate maturity is high, a relationship-oriented style is appropriate, but where maturity is lacking a more task-oriented style will prove more effective. Situational leadership theory is one of the type of leadership theory, leadership model and leadership style that believes that different leadership style suit different situations. That is as per the situation, you should apply leadership style. Situational leadership theory assumes that the best action to be taken by a leader depends on the situation. As the situation changes, you (leader) should also quickly change the leadership style. Depending on the situation, you (leader) should adopt leadership style. A situational leadership model is also associated with situational leadership theory. The basic idea of this model is that leadership flexibility is necessary for effective leadership. It also believes that different leadership approaches are required for different situations. This model defines four leadership styles. These styles are based on how much guidance or direction the leader can give to his or her followers. Situational Leadership Model : ( The above situational leadership model is applied on the Mahatma Gandhi in order to prove that he was a situational leader. In the following passages different action, reactions and incident from the life of the Gandhi are chosen that proves him a situational leader. Leadership developed by Robert House (1971) which defines that leaders make a clear and easy path for their followers and to fulfill the goals encourage and supports them to take it. The leaders clarify the path for followers and remove the roadblocks that might stop them from attaining the goal. For laying the path for followers a leader can follow any of the given leadership behavior. First the directive leader in which the leader lets the follower know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done and give specific guidance as to how to accomplish task. When Mahatma Gandhi called up all the community who were not being treated equally and made a speech to them asking all the non Europeans to burn their passes which showed their symbol of status. By doing so he was asking government for the right to claim them as equal citizens of the empire. We can see that he was making sure the followers know what is expected from them and he gave specific guidance what and how it would be accomplished. And for scheduling he made sure there is enough public gathered so he asks his wife to encourage some female along with her. The second kind of behavior is coaching leader who tries to promote good friendly relation within the group and shows concern for the welfare of the followers. In this way during Salt march from Ahmadabad to Dandi, Gandhi had gone there quietly; it would just not have made an impact. He knew he had to create an event to make an impact and so he took his followers on a march that stirred popular imagination of the time. He had a total understanding of the human psychology and used it along with his public relation skills. By doing this Gandhi coached his followers The third kind of behavior is supportive leader who tries to promote good friendly relation within the group and shows concern for the welfare of the followers. This kind of leadership depicted takes the help of followers for day-to-day decision. Decisions include processes and task allocation. The leader facilitates decisions but the final decision is taken by the follower. The Non-cooperation movement was a significant phase of the Indian struggle for freedom from British rule. This movement, which lasted from 1920 to 1922, was led by Gandhi, and supported by the Indian National Congress. It aimed to resist British occupation of India through non-violent means. Protestors would refuse to buy British goods, adopt the use of local handicrafts, picket liquor shops, and try to uphold the values of Indian honor and integrity. The Gandhian ideals of ahisma or non-violence, and his ability to rally hundreds of thousands of common citizens towards the cause of Indian independence, were fir st seen on a large scale in this movement. Gandhiji while working for independence of India used to consult other leaders like Pandit Nehru, Gokhale, Maulana Azad who were his followers as well. The last kind of leadership behaviour according to the Path-Goal theory is achievement-oriented leader where the leader sets a challenging goal both for self improvement and work. The leader shows and expects high demonstration and has faith in the capabilities of the followers to succeed.

Variability of Solar Activity Parameters

Variability of Solar Activity Parameters Chapter 7: Overall Conclusion and Future Prospect of Research In the present work, efforts have been given to get an idea of variability of solar activity parameters during the recent solar minimum period and also to understand the effect of the solar activity parameters at the F2 region of the ionosphere. As our dependence on technological systems operating in and through the outer reaches of our terrestrial environment is continuously increasing, it is very necessary to get a clear idea about the variability of the ionosphere, magnetosphere and the sun itself which is primary source that drives not only our terrestrial environment but also the entire interplanetary domain. The properties of solar activity parameters and the use of GPS derived ionospheric TEC as a tool for investigation of the ionosphere are explained in detail under the current research work. The study shows that the ionospheric variability is well coupled with solar activity parameters and phase of solar activity also. The ionospheric problems studied here are mainly concern ed with satellite based navigation. Over recent years, the solar activity effects of the ionospheric parameters have received renewed interest, and considerable progress has been achieved. The present research work focuses on four aspects – Firstly the behaviour of various solar activity parameters (mainly sunspot and solar radio flux) during the recent solar minimum period. It has been noted from a preliminary study that the correlation coefficient of radio emission and sunspot number was low with respect to the correlation coefficients of previous solar minima. During this minima period, the frequency distribution of correlation coefficient of radio flux and sunspot number is random whether it has a similar pattern for previous three minima which suggest an unusual behaviour of radio flux during this minimum. Secondly, noting the unusual behaviour of radio flux, a rigorous periodic analysis of basal component of solar radio flux of different frequencies has been done as these frequencies reveal the physical nature of the source regions. The analysis has exposed that during recent extended solar minimum period the large magnetic structures (independent of sunspot activity) of solar coronal region might had a similar rotation with fairly homogeneous structure and towards the chromospheric layers the homogeneity disappears and the rotation rate was also different for different portions of the chromospheres. The periodicities obtained for X-ray flux have also been found in other solar-activity parameters which give an indication that there may be connectivity between sunspot X ray flux and some other solar activity parameters as the periodicities of both types of magnetic structures are nearly matching. This may be an indication to the underlying global mechanism that modulates different. Thirdly, after getting some idea about the solar activity parameters, efforts have been given to understand the effect of these activity parameters on ionosphere. The earth directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun, which result in increased pressure characterized by sudden increases in solar wind velocity, temperature and density as well as large changes in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) specially its north–south component (Bz), trigger the geomagnetic storms. These storms affect the ionosphere and makes such studies important from the point of view of space weather related processes. Here the effect of two geomagnetic storm of april and july 2012 on low latitude ionosphere has been studied. During the storms the depression and enhancements in VTEC compared to quiet time means VTEC was observed. This significant perturbation level in VTEC during the geomagnetic storm period may lead to the disturbances in navigation and communications systems which are now a days being used by civilian as well as military. These storm time perturbations in VTEC compared to quiet time mean values are caused by electro dynamical (PPE and DDE) as well mechanical effects (neural wind lifting effects and thermospheric composition changes) which are originated during the periods of geomagnetic storms. So these are the main key factors controlling the low latitude ionosphere’s response to the geomagnetic storm. Fourthly, a comparative study of the model and in-situ measurement of ionospheric parameters has been done. The last chapter deals on the investigation of the effect of the solar activity parameter on ionosphereric electron content and the investigation has been done by using the in-situ measurement data of the ionosphere. The in-situ measurement of TEC using the GPS and from the IGS stations is not possible from all places. So to understand the global distribution of TEC we need model data. Among all the ionospheric models, International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is being widely used which is constantly being improved and updated by the scientific committee. In present time the most recent version of this model is IRI 2012. In this chapter, the diurnal, monthly and seasonal variations of the GPS-TEC are compared with those derived from the latest IRI 2012 model from four different stations. The study reveals that TEC with topside option IRI-2001 overestimates the observed GPS TEC i n low latitude regions in most of the times and the modeled TEC from other two options of IRI are in agreement with the observed TEC data. The matching between the IRI TEC and observed TEC is totally dependent on the local time, location and phase of the solar cycle and the largest deviations in model and observed TEC occur as a result of poor estimation of foF2 and NmF2 from the coefficients of IRI model. As the sophistication of our space based technological systems increases rapidly, their vulnerability to disturbances in space weather also increases. Performance of modern satellites used in global communications, weather predictions, remote sensing, defense systems and a variety of ground based scientific and operational systems depends on information we have on our ionosphere. The ionosphere is a highly variable medium and the low latitude ionosphere contributes the maximum variability. So a complete understanding of low latitude ionospheric phenomena is very essential. The Indian subcontinent lies in the low latitude region and thus gives us an opportunity to study the low latitude ionosphere. The north-east India is the region which lies in the EIA zone and hence the data of agartala station has its own importance. Presently we are using the GPS dual frequency receiver as a tool for investigating the low latitude ionosphere. New instrument like ionosonde will be recently install ed at our university which will give us a strong support in the ionospheric investigation. In order to get the idea of the global distribution of TEC, the variation of TEC from all the places need to be studied. But the in-situ measurement of TEC data from all the places is not available. So for this we need to depend on model TEC data. The US based models are best for their region not for Indian regions. So to get the variability of Indian subcontinent’s ionospheric region the in-situ measurement from Indian region is mostly important. As we have seen for around 92 degree longitude our study may be a significant input parameter for the modeling of ionosphere. Beside this study, it is expected to extend it for further investigation of ionosphere using GPS dual frequency receiver and ionosonde as tools.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Behavior Modification Methods in School Essay -- Positive Interdepende

Education in the United States is a continuous source of controversy. How should the generations be taught? This is an extremely important and in depth issue that has many levels. Each level has its own disagreements. One particular level of education that has been researched is whether or not behavioral methods are effective enough to be used in the classroom to improve academic performance. As can be seen in the data included here, there are many forms of positive reinforcement contingencies that can be presented in the classroom. These may include social rewards, like acceptance and encouragement from peers, tangible rewards, like the token economy, or internally motivating rewards, like having a sense of self-efficacy and feeling confident and proud of a particular accomplishment. The studies included here investigate cooperative learning strategies and how behavioral methods relate to academic performance that way, the use of rewards for good or improved performance, and then f inally how the removal of a punishing aspect of the classroom environment, like a teacher’s criticism can possibly improve academic performance. Cooperative learning is one process that includes behavioral methods. A reward structure is included in cooperative learning technology. Rewards can include grades, teacher approval, or physical rewards. In order for a reward structure to be effective, the rewards must be presented to the student quickly after the desired behavior has occurred. What makes this type of reward structure particular to cooperative learning styles is that rewards are given based on how well a group has learned something as a whole. Each person in the group gets rewarded if and only if each individual person has learned the material sufficiently. A second facet of cooperative learning includes positive goal interdependence and positive reward interdependence (Mesch, Johnson, & Johnson, 1987). Positive goal interdependence is when students perceive that they can achieve their goals if and only if the other students with whom they are cooperatively linked achieve their goals. Whereas, positive reward interdependence exists when each member of a cooperative learning group receives the same reward for successfully completing a joint task (Mesch, Johnson, & Johnson, 1987). Mesch, Johnson, and Johnson (1987) state that on the positive goal interdependence ... ...76). Controlling personal rewards: Professional teachers’ differential   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  use of feedback and the effects of feedback on the student’s motivation to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  perform. Journal of Educational Psychology, 69(4), 419-427. Harris, A. M., & Covington, M. V. (1993). The role of cooperative reward   interdependency in success and failure. Journal of Experimental Education, 61(2), 151-168. Leventhal, G. S., & Whiteside, H. D. (1973). Equity and the use of reward to elicit high performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 25(1), 75-83. Lew, M., Mesch, D., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. (1986). Positive interdependence,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Academic and collaborative-skills group contingencies, and isolated students.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  American Educational Research Journal, 23(3), 476-488. Mesch, D., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. (1987). Impact of positive interdependence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and academic group contingencies on achievement. The Journal of Social   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychology, 128(3), 345-352. Rickard, H. C., Clements, C. B., & Willis, J. W. (1970). Effects of contingent   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and noncontingent token reinforcement upon classroom performance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychological Reports, 27(3), 903-908.

Friday, July 19, 2019

George Orwell’s Animal Farm :: Animal Farm Essays

What is George Orwell’s message in Animal Farm, and how does he use two of the animal characters in the novel to present his political views? In this book George Orwell has tried to put a political view into the story. This political view is that Communist ideas can not work without using excessive power, also that political systems can easily be corrupted by power-hungry people. George Orwell uses animals in this clever allegory to represent humans. Two main characters of ‘Animal Farm’ are Napoleon and Boxer. Napoleon acts like a dictator and leads the farm and animals. He has power over the animals so they have no freedom, so much so, that they can’t rebel against him if they wanted to. Boxer an idealistic follower for Napoleon; he will sacrifice anything for the farm and the other animals. Boxer believes everything that he is told by Napoleon and cannot see that Napoleon is a corrupt leader. As soon as Old Major had died Napoleon took his place as the leader of the Animals, and so he controlled them after the rebellion against humans. At first he was a fair leader and treated the animals kindly, or so they thought. â€Å"The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others.† This shows that the pigs were lazy and demanding from the beginning when they started to run the farm, and it wasn’t that they grew power-hungry, they already were. The animals started to realise that the pigs were not doing any work. The majority thought there must be an excellent reason for them not doing any work. â€Å"We pigs are the brain-workers. The whole management and organization of the farm depends on us† After hearing this, the animals understood that they were there to do the hard work, but they thought that was because they couldn’t run the farm as well as the pigs. They did not mind lying to the animals and not doing any work while the other animals are. Napoleon knew that there was a chance that the animals might rebel against him so when 9 puppies were born on the farm he took them to train as his bodyguards. â€Å"As soon as they were weaned, Napoleon took them away from their mothers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  After the animals knew what he was doing, even if they did disagree with what he was doing could not do anything about it even if the wanted to either because they were not strong enough or that they were to scared. So this meant that Napoleon could do whatever he wanted to, just like a dictator. The only animal threatening Napoleon’s place in power was Snowball, so

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Family Heritage In Everyday Use Essay -- Everyday Use Alice Walker Ess

Family Heritage In Everyday Use In Alice Walker's "Everyday Use," the message about the preservation of heritage, specifically African-American heritage, is very clear. It is obvious that Walker believes that a person's heritage should be a living, dynamic part of the culture from which it arose and not a frozen timepiece only to be observed from a distance. There are two main approaches to heritage preservation depicted by the characters in this story. The narrator, a middle-aged African-American woman, and her youngest daughter Maggie, are in agreement with Walker. To them, their family heritage is everything around them that is involved in their everyday lives and everything that was involved in the lives of their ancestors. To Dee, the narrator's oldest daughter, heritage is the past - something to frame or hang on the wall, a mere artistic, aesthetic reminder of her family history. Walker depicts Dee's view of family heritage as being one of confusion and lack of understanding. The differences in attitude that Dee and Maggie portray about their heritage are seen early in the story. When the family's house burned down ten or twelve years ago, Maggie was deeply affected by the tragedy of losing her home where she grew up. As her mother describes, "She has been like this, chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house to the ground" (409). Dee, on the other hand, had hated the house. Her mother had wanted to ask her, "Why don't you dance around the ashes?" (409). Dee did not hold any significance in the home where she had grown up. In her confusion about her heritage, it was just a house to her. Another example of Dee's confusion about her own African-American heritage is expressed when she announces to her mother and sister that she has changed her name to "Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo." When her mother questions her about the change, Dee says, "I couldn't bear it any longer being named after the people who oppress me" (411). According to her mother, the name has been in the family since before the Civil War and most likely represents family unity to her. However, Dee does not realize that. Apparently, she believes that by changing her name she is expressing solidarity with her African ancestors and rejecting the oppression implied by the taking on of American names by black slaves. Commenting ... ...tage" (413). That comment is somewhat ironic since it appears to be Dee who does not understand what family heritage is all about. Walker's view is very clear at the end of the story. By Dee wanting to hang the family heirloom on the wall to look at from a distance, she is alienating herself from her family heritage. That is exactly what Walker thinks is the wrong thing to do. Walker would prefer the quilts to be used and integrated into daily life, like Maggie and her mother prefer. The same idea applies to all of the other household items that Dee has her eye on: the churn top, the dasher, and the benches for the table that her daddy made. They all are a part of life for Maggie and her mother. Walker believes that the only value that they hold for Dee is that they would be good trinkets to show off in her house. By using the quilts in this symbolic way, Walker is making the point that family heirlooms can only have meaning if they remain connected to the culture they sprang from - in essence, to be put to "Everyday Use." Works Cited: Walker, Alice. â€Å"Everyday Use.† Robert DiYanni, ed. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007.

Raider’s of the Lost Ark and Film Violence Essay

Raider Buttons In his book, More Than a Movie: Ethics in Entertainment, F. Miguel Valenti examines nine â€Å"hot buttons† of violence – â€Å"creative elements that filmmakers use to manipulate viewers’ reactions to onscreen violence.† (99) These elements, posited by researchers conducting The National Television Violence Study (Valenti, 99) are â€Å"choice of perpetrator, choice of victim, presence of consequences, rewards and punishments, the reason for the violence, weapons, realism, use of humor, and prolonged exposure† (Valenti, 100) . Raiders of the Lost Ark is a violent, yet well loved film which would be interesting to examine in this light. In Raiders, the choice of perpetrator is our hero, Indiana Jones. We do not think of him as â€Å"a perpetrator†, he is â€Å"the good guy†, yet he is shown bringing about the demise of many people. Victims of violence can be portrayed as likeable, in which case the effect on the audience is to â€Å"increase fear and anxiety. If violence can happen to someone *like* me, it can also happen *to* me, they reason† (Valenti, 101), however, if â€Å"the victim is dissimilar to the viewer and NOT likable, the viewer can more easily either rationalize the violence or dismiss it because in some way the victim ‘got what he deserved’† (Valenti, 102). The victims in Raiders are Nazis, not â€Å"everyday Joes†, their characters are not individualized, or if they are, they are over-the-top evil, like Arnold Ernst Toht the sadistic and ruthless Nazi Gestapo agent (Raiders). Raiders is chockfull of weapons – knives, machetes, submachine guns, and firearms of all sorts. â€Å"Weapons – in most cases fi rearms of one sort or another – can trigger aggressive feelings in viewers and cause them to interpret a seemingly neutral situation as potentially threatening† (Valenti, 104). This is knowledge Steven Spielberg puts to good use in the scene in Raiders where a Nazi approaches the bound Marion ominously with a vile looking weapon in hand, viciously flicks it open †¦ and hangs his coat on the wooden hanger (Raiders). This leads us to the subject of humor in violent situations. â€Å"†¦humor strips violence of the moral outrage the viewer might otherwise feel. And if our hero can joke about the destruction he is causing, surely we can as well† (Valenti, 107). Indiana Jones is confronted by a large, sword wielding man and after watching his elaborate swordsmanship, Indiana tiredly pulls out his gun and drops him with one bullet – to the rousing cheers of the audience (Raiders). â€Å"Social scientists state that when violence is shown in context, complete with depictions of the pain and suffering caused by the violent acts, aggressive behavior in the viewer is inhibited†(Valenti, 102). â€Å"If a violent act is rewarded – through the perpetrator’s attaining his goal or ‘getting the girl,’ the likelihood of learning aggressive behavior is increased† (Valenti, 103). After Indiana Jones battles his way onto a ship, he’s so bruised he can’t move, so Marion, a beautiful woman, kisses the pain away. This is the only physical consequence we see Indie â€Å"suffer† (Raiders). In Raiders of The Lost Ark, the violence is abundant from beginning to end, – a death tally of 63 (allouttabubblegum) — but we accept it because it is always the â€Å"bad guy† getting hurt — a greedy guide is skewered by a bed of nails, a relentless thug is chopped by a plane propeller, and numerous Nazi s meet their comeuppance by having their faces melt off (Raiders). The violence is often gory and realistic. According to the study, the reason for the violence tends to affect the viewers’ response to the violence. â€Å"When a violent act is seen as unjustified, aggressive tendencies are reduced in the viewer† (Valenti, 103) – the â€Å"body count† of Raiders consists entirely of Nazis, baddies, and thugs, which would make the audience tend to feel less anxious, and thus according to Valenti, actually increase the viewers’ aggressive tendencies (103). If the existence of audience created websites such as The Incredible Melting Nazi (YouTube) posted in the â€Å"Comedy† section, can be used as evidence, there may be something to that. Works Cited ASHPD24. â€Å"(Indiana Jones And The) Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981): Body Count Breakdown.† WordPress, 31 January 2010. Web. 15 January 2013. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Dir. Spielberg, Steven. Paramount, 1982. Film. TheScarredLovers. â€Å"The Incredible Melting Nazi.† Tube, L.L.C., 23 May 2008. Web. 15 February 2013 Valenti, F. M. (2000). More Than a Movie. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Print.