Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Different Flood Myths

The Different Flood Myths In the following essay, I am going to examine the flood myth that is written in The Epic of Gilgamesh, and compare its similarities and differences to the one that is found in the Book of Genesis. In both works, there is an immense flood that engulfs the earth. The question that remains to be answered is, is this the same flood recorded in both texts? The corresponding elements that occur between both texts have been somewhat of a puzzling issue for some researchers. On first speculation, it would be fair to say that both coincide with each other due to the major similarity between them. However, subtle differences could prove otherwise. The flood myth in The Epic of Gilgamesh was written somewhere around 2750 and 2500 BCE  [1]  , whereas the Book of Genesis 6-9 was written around 500BC  [2]  . It could be said that the Biblical authors were aware of the flood recorded on Tablet XI and may have adapted it to correspond with the writings of the Biblical text. Alexander Heidel explores three central theories about how the two accounts may be linked. He states that first, the Babylonians borrowed from the Hebrew account; second, the Hebrew account is dependent on the Babylonian; third, both are descended from a common original.  [3]  Heidel goes on to say that because The Epic of Gilgamesh was written before the Book of Genesis The most widely accepted explanation today is the second, namely, that the biblical account is based on Babylonian material.  [4]  However, a theory of this nature causes some controversy within the Christian faith as it could be said that it mat question the reliability of the Bible. As I have previously stated, both myths share many of the same elements. Merrill F. Unger believes that when comparing the two, there are certain components that have to be looked at, in order to create and understanding of both accounts; the first being that the flood was planned by the god in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis . Secondly, that a warning was given to both protagonists prior to the flood happening. Thirdly, is that the flood is connected with the destruction of mankind. Another being, the protagonist and his family were allowed to escape from the disaster. The building of the vessel to protect various life-forms is another. Also, what should be noted is the physical destruction of each flood and the duration of it. The landing place of the boat should also be mentioned and the releasing of the birds. Finally, the last similar element that should be discussed are the sacrifices the heros presented to their gods and what they received in return.  [5]  Although these similarities cannot be ignored, Kenneth A. Kitchen says that there are also many differences that run through each of the flood accounts, even though the general similarities suggest a definite relationship between the two traditions.  [6]  Kitchen goes on to say that it is these differences that provides a clear view of w hy the flood happened, that they define the characters of the gods and protagonists. By using specific details such as, the landing places of the ships, the releasing of the birds, numbers and genders of the surviving animals and humans and the building of the ships, we can compare the differences, enabling one to study the relationship between the flood accounts in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis.  [7]  Both stories tell a tale about a righteous figure who is informed by divine beings that a great flood is going to destroy the earth. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the main protagonist of this myth, Utnapishtim, is met by Gilgamesh whilst on his journey in pursuit of immortality. Utnapishtim is asked by Gilgamesh how he became immortal and that is when he tells him about the flood that happened in a city called Shurrupak, which stands on the banks of the river Euphrates.  [8]  It is the noise that man makes the Gods deem to be intolerable, so they decide to eli minate all of mankind. The god of waters, Ea, is the one to warn Utnapishtim of what is about to come.  [9]  In the Book of Genesis, God recognises how man has become wicked, so in turn, God feels it necessary to flood the earth and be rid of man. We learn that Noah is seen by God as a righteous man and is spared, [Noah]found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  [10]  Noah is then told by God to build an ark and take both his family and two of every animal with him. The first similarity to notice here is the use of divine involvement in both myths. However, it is here where a difference occurs. In the Book of Genesis, it is evident that monotheism (only one god) is present. Whereas, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, it is clear to see that polytheism is visible (more than one god). As stated previously, the gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh want to flush out mankind because of their noise. The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reasons of the babel  [11]  . While in Genesis, God floods the earth because of the wickedness of man. It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.  [12]  I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. . . .  [13]   In addition to this, mans fate is to die in the epic, yet in Genesis, Noah tries to save the evil by preaching to them. This again is a striking difference between the two myths. Additionally to this, in both the Book of Genesis and The Epic of Gilgamesh, the hero of the story is warned prior to facing the major disaster and vessels are built to shield them from the catastrophic flood, to maintain the life of each species. Utnapishtim is told not to take anything of worth on the boat, but does so anyway. Like in the Book of Genesis, animals are taken on the boat and the storm continues for six days and nights.  [14]  In the epic, Utnapishtim is warned though a dream by Ea, whereas God tells Noah about the coming flood in G enesis, and it rains for forty days and forty nights. Something that can also be found in both accounts is the use of the number seven. In the Book of Genesis the world was created in seven days. The number seven also appears in the flood account. After seven days the waters of the flood were upon the earth  [15]  . This is also apparent in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Although the rain only lasts for six days and six nights, when the storm calms and the boat lands, it remains there for seven days. In the epic, the storm calms on the seventh day and the boat stops at the mountain of Nisir. After a week, Utnapishtim releases birds from the boat. This is also parallel to what happens in the Book of Genesis. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim releases three birds from the vessel. First he releases a dove which returns because there is no food or resting place. A wallow is then sent out, but still returns. Then finally, a raven is set free and does not return, meaning it has found land and food. I loosed a dovebut finding no resting-place she returnedthen I loosed a swallow, and she flew away but finding no resting-place she returnedI loosed a ravenand she did not come back  [16]  . In the Book of Genesis, Noah also does this but only using two birds. First a raven that returns and secondly a dove that brings back an olive branch. It could be said that the olive branch is used as a symbol of peace and that mankinds suffering has now come to an end.  [17]  In addition, a raven could be seen as a messenger of the gods, so by using this particular species of bird in each myth, it highlights the powers that the deities have in both texts. However, the subtle difference is that in the Book of Genesis, the raven was unsuccessful, whereas in Gilgamesh it was the raven who found land. This could link to my earlier point that in the epic, that the fate of mankind will always lay in the hands of the gods. Yet, in Genesis, the symbol of peace, suggests that God has put an end to the punishment of mankind and will let them begin a new life. Another similarity is that both Utnapishtim, in the epic, and Noah, in Genesis thank the Gods for sparing them from the flood. However, they offer their thanks in different ways. In Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim pours out a libation on the top of the mountain.  [18]  Yet, Noah builds an altar for God. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord  [19]  . Furthermore, both protagonists make a sacrifice once the flood had ended. In the Book of Genesis, Noah is told by God to leave the ark, Leave the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives  [20]  Noah then makes a sacrifice to God by burning some animals on the altar that he made. In The Epic of Gilgamesh a sacrifice is also made to the Gods. Yet, when Utnapishtim offers a sacrifice, Enlil is enraged because Utnapishtim was excluded from the destruction of all man. Then Ea persuades Enlil that Utnapishtim escaped through his own means, and Utnapishtim is then granted immortality by Enlil. Finally, there is a symbol shown, in both texts, to indicate that the earth will not be flooded by the gods again. In Gilgamesh there is a necklace and it is exclaimed that the gods will not forget these days  [21]  . Whereas in Genesis a rainbow appears. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.  [22]  Both flood accounts in The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis are extremely alike as well as possessing major differences. As the source of each flood story differs between the two, there can be some conclusions brought up about the Babylonian culture in comparison to the Hebrew culture. As stated previously, polytheism is apparent throughout the Babylonian culture and they believe that the gods are separate from each other and that they have restricted power. So, the people cannot always rely on the gods to be rewarding to the serving and the just. Additionally, monotheism is u sed within the Hebrew culture, where God is seen as almighty, that his power is unrestricted and he is good. The belief is that God created the world that is orderly and therefore rewards men who worship him. However, this theory is dependent on each individuals personal moral grounds. What I wanted to examine throughout this essay is the relationship between the flood myths that occur in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis. There are three theories that could possibly link the two that I would like to discuss; the first being that The Epic of Gilgamesh may have been derived from the Genesis account. However, the epic flood myth was written long before the one found in Genesis. So, because of the dates in which both of the flood accounts were written, this theory has been disproved. Another hypothesis that may link the two is that the account found in the Book of Genesis may have been taken from the one found in The Epic of Gilgamesh and altered slightly. Conversely, this theory poses some major complications. If this were true, then the writer of the Genesis account would have had to thoroughly go over the Epic and change many of its components. Things such as the reason why the gods decided to cause the flood, changing it to a righteous motivation. Also, descriptions of the flood would have had to be altered, making it to be universal so the whole account would be credible. Lastly, changing the use of polytheism to a completely monotheistic world would have been very difficult. So, even though there are major mirroring images between the two, this would have been almost impossible to recreate, rendering this theory to be inconceivable. The most plausible possibility is the third theory, that both of the flood accounts may have come from one event. Kenneth A. Kitchen believes that it is probable that The Hebrew and Babylonian accounts may go back to a common ancient tradition, but are not borrowed directly from each other.  [23]  After cons idering all of the similar and dissimilar elements of both texts, it seems that in The Epic of Gilgamesh, a warped account of an event was recorded, which lost its historical precision and it could be said, that the version recorded in the Book of Genesis may be a more precise report of the disaster. So, to conclude, after comparing the two accounts of the flood in each text, it is evident that there is a relationship between the two, despite the many differences. Each story provides a learning curve from culture to culture about historical events though the medium of storytelling. Separate cultures develop over time, and it would be fair to say that it inevitable that some events are going to become overlapped and repeated throughout different historical and religious texts.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Reader-Response Criticism of James Joyce’s Eveline from Dubliners Essay

A Subjective Reader-Response Criticism of James Joyce’s Eveline The subjectivity evident in literary interpretation is hard to deny. Though one person may feel that James Joyce’s writing proves Joyce’s support of the feminist movement, another may believe that Joyce views women as inferior. What could account for such a difference in opinions? Schwarz explains that subjective reader-response critics would respond to a question such as this by answering that each reader uses the literary work to symbolize his or her own life and, therefore, each response is unique to the individual reader. He asserts that the reader will always find an identity theme in the particular text he or she is reading. Consequently, the text must be looked at in terms of the response it invokes in the reader, and what this response says about the reader’s own psychological needs (129). Several of James Joyce’s works are ideal for subjective reader-response analysis and, in particular, the story â€Å"Eveline† from Dubliners. The story â€Å"Eveline† concerns a love affair between Eveline and a sailor, Frank, and Eveline’s indecision about whether or not to run away with Frank to Buenos Aires. Throughout the short story, Joyce describes several images and actions that lead up to Eveline’s eventual inability to leave with Frank. However, there are such a variety of images and actions that it is difficult to emphasize the specific key images and actions that lead readers to their ultimate understanding of the story. Due to the great number of images and actions in â€Å"Eveline,† individual readers must designate their own important aspects of the story in order to assert meaning. â€Å"Each person... ...overcoming the paralysis of fear and obligation to take a chance for a more satisfying way of life. Works Cited Bleich, David. Readings and Feelings: An Introduction to Subjective Criticism. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1975. Holland, Norman N. â€Å"The Question: Who Reads What How?† 5 Readers Reading. 1975. Joyce, James. Dubliners. New York: Washington Square Press, 1998. Schwarz, David R. â€Å"Reader-Response Criticism and ‘The Dead’ What Is Reader- Response Criticism?† James Joyce The Dead: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. David R. Schwarz. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1994. Werner, Craig Hansen. Dubliners: A Pluralistic World. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Candy Shop

Candy Shop Business Plan It would seem that if you're starting a confectionary that writing a candy shop business plan should be all sugar, sweet, and fun as well. If you're here, you've figured out that's not exactly the case. That's because writing a candy shop business plan can be as difficult as developing a coherent and effective strategy and plan for any other new start-up or existing operation. As you've probably figured out by now, it's going to take more than a passion for chocolate to get your business off the ground.But if you're still struggling to get started, here are a few things to think about that will help you develop your candy shop business plan: †¢ Why will your candy shop be unique? †¢ How will you generate a profit? Will you charge high prices? Keep costs low? Both? †¢ Are there any competing businesses in the area? If so, how will you draw customers from them? †¢ Why are you the right person to handle the operation? These questions can help you start to think about the things that will be critical to the success of your business.In addition, they are important to answer because investors or lenders will want to see that you've considered and sufficiently addressed these points in your business plan. If you'd like more information about the other elements that a banker, angel investor, or venture capitalist might want in your candy shop business plan, MasterPlans can help. We are the leaders in the business plan writing industry and have developed scores of successful business plans for our clients.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Technology s Negative Effect On Society - 932 Words

Technology’s Negative Effect on Society Mankind has had a yearning for knowledge since the dawn of time, causing giant technological leaps. At the dawn of the new millennium technology thrived, and since then, technology has taken our world in a completely different direction than anyone could have imagined. Just like everything else, people have their own opinions and they either like, or dislike what technology has brought into our lives. If we look at the idea of technology from both sides, it is having more of a negative effect on our society today because communication skills are deteriorating, technology is changing the way we think for the worse, and privacy issues are bigger than ever. By mostly relying on technology and written communication, people are losing valuable communication skills for their futures. Some people will argue technology allows people to communicate with others halfway around the world and in different cultures. That is a great point, but in reality, â€Å"people [are] increasingly preferring quick and frequent engagement with instant updates than a prolonged chat† (Fowlkes). When it comes time to properly read face to face conversations, communication skills will be lacking and people will not fully understand how to use tone and gestures to portray their message (Clemmit). Next, even though one’s resume does a majority of the talking when looking for a job, â€Å"the ability to verbalize clear, concise answers [while interviewing] is paramount toShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1560 Words   |  7 PagesLike an addict waiting for their next high, society has become more and more dependent on social media. One must realize, while the use of social media in today’s society is a necessity due to the fast-paced environment that has been created, it can never fully replace the value received from personal interaction with others. 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